Meet With a ÃÈ·µ¼º½ Veteran Academic Counselor
If you are planning to use your GI Bill® / VA Educational Benefits at City College of San Francisco, you are required to meet with a ÃÈ·µ¼º½ Veterans Academic Counselor to approve all enrolled classes in Ed plan.
If you are a new student, complete step 1-7 before scheduling a counseling appointment (step 8).
New Student Checklist
- Step #1
- Step #2 Apply to ÃÈ·µ¼º½ via CCC Apply website. Save Student ID and set up account , and student email ().
- Step #3 Complete New Student Veteran Orientation (Online)
- Step #4 Complete the Online Assessment Form to get Math and English Placement. This is not an actual test but a self-report form.
- Step #5 Fill out the
- Step #6 Provide required Documents. (Click hyperlink respectively to upload file)
- (Member 4 Copy).
- if using Post 9/11 GI Bill®, If using VR&E there is no COE, your Rehabilitation Counselor will send your authorization (VA Form 22-1905) to our School Certifying Officials and Bookstore.
- Official Transcripts from other Institution of Higher Learning must be submitted by the end of your 1st semester at City.
- , to include Marriage Certificate or Birth Certificate if using Ch.35 DEA.
- Step #7 Declare major at ÃÈ·µ¼º½. Do this step in your before seeing a counselor.
- Step #8 Develop an Education Plan with a Veterans Academic Counselor. If Official Transcripts are submitted, you will get a full comprehensive education plan, if you have not submitted Official Transcripts, you will be give a shortened 1 semester Education Plan until the Official Transcript have been submitted.
- Step #9 Register for Classes (Class Schedule, Registration Guide - PDF, ). Only classes on you educational plan developed by a Veterans Academic Counselor will be certified.
- Step #10 Submit Certification Request Form (EVERY Semester)
- If a student veteran using VA Educational Benefits adds or drops any class after they have been certified for the semester, the VA requires the student to inform the School Certifying Officials. At ÃÈ·µ¼º½ student vetÂerans do this by completing the: Change of Enrollment form found on at under the Certification Forms page.
** Post-9/11 GI Bill® students attending IHL facilities who receive Monthly Housing Allowance (MHA) and/or kicker payments are required to.
** Not using VA education benefit but would like to get Priority Registration date, please complete steps 2,3,4,8 and provide DD214.
You can see counselor on Zoom, on the phone, or in person. Please check for counselors’ availability at:
Phone: 415-239-3486, or Zoom: .